
Meet the Porchcrawlers! I know I’ve introduced them before but there’s method to my madness today. We’ve been challenged and I need your help to win. I know I can count on you to lead us to victory.These teammates are also good friends, and some of them even work at other radio stations (shhhh….don’t tell the boss!)! Last night, while celebrating a win, one of my teammates claimed she could get our team more twitter followers than I could get. Oh, and you guessed it…she works at a different radio station.

So can you please help me prove that Country 106.7 listeners are the BEST!? All you need to do is give a courtesy (ok, a pity) follow to our twitter account — @PorchcrawlersKW. You won’t be sorry. And then I can be a winner, which makes “competitive me” a very happy boy. 🙂

I know this is shameless…but radio bragging rights are on the line here! Thanks for the help.

See ya at the ball park.


The Porchcrawlers celebrate a victory in style.
The Porchcrawlers celebrate a victory in style.