Move Your Small Business in the Right Direction with The Small Business Matters Series presented by RBC | Episode 4
by amanda.ramondino on May 4, 2020, 02:05pm. EST
Are you a small business owner?
The Chatter that Matters podcast and it’s new series Small Business Matters presented by RBC is here to help you navigate your way through the ever changing landscape of today’s economy.
Chatter that Matters is a podcast created and hosted by Tony Chapman. The podcast cuts through the chaos and clutter to focus on what matters most to you, your livelihood, your community and your planet. Each CTM episode begins with an essential question followed by a quest to identify the insights and ideas that you get to where you need to go.
On this week’s episode, can Joe O’Brien, a 5-star tourism operator, keep his boats afloat? Check out this week’s episode as well as past episodes here.
Joe O’Brien is a gifted entrepreneur. His tourism operation, O’Briens Boat Tours, includes three boats, two restaurants, gift shops, and shuttle buses. His base is St John’s Newfoundland, and he captains his guests to the edge of the world where they get so close to a whale that they can smell its breath. Giant icebergs, a wild bird sanctuary, mixed in with the songs and spirit of New- foundland and Labrador. Joe shares his story of growing up in a fishing village and having to reinvent when the Cod disappeared. Joe’s philosophy on how to create experiences for his guests and employees that last a lifetime is a masterclass for the service economy.
This economic storm could capsize his business. Joe needs our help. We ask Ujwal Arkalgud, a cultural anthropologist, Alex Blum a talented tourism marketer, and Kellie Sauriol from RBC, who considers small business operators as heroes for their advice.
They not only lift his spirit; they will lift his boats back into the water. Great insights for anyone building a career or brand in the tourism, hospitality, retail, and services space.
Small Business Matters series, presented by RBC.