Why Not You in 2022?

Applications for All IN Now Being Accepted From Diverse Charities & Small Businesses as Rogers Sports & Media Continues to Use Its Media Megaphone to Build a More Inclusive Canada

– Through its All IN initiative, Rogers Sports & Media is giving $10 million in free advertising and creative services to organizations that support equity-deserving communities –


Rogers Sports & Media continues to lend its media megaphone for societal action and change by amplifying the impactful work of equity-deserving charities and small business with the launch of its 2022 All IN initiative.  Building on the success of last year’s inaugural campaign, which received more than 550 submissions.

All IN applications are now being accepted until February 13 at AllInForEquity.ca.




In 2021, Rogers Sports & Media introduced All IN, an action-focused inclusion and diversity initiative that includes giving a minimum of $10 million in free advertising and creative services over five years to organizations that support equity-deserving communities. Over the course of its first year, All IN created customized partner campaigns, airing more than 17,000 ads resulting in 63 million impressions.  Additionally, the initiative awarded 26 BIPOC scholarships and mentorships across Sportsnet, Cityline, and OMNI Television.



“All IN was born out of Rogers Sports & Media’s desire to build a more inclusive Canada, leveraging our unique role and responsibility to address racial injustice and social unrest,” said Jordan Banks, President, Rogers Sports & Media.  “Last year, we gave $2 million in free advertising and creative services to our five All IN partners to showcase their invaluable work and extend their reach across Canada by amplifying their stories on a national stage.  These organizations saw tremendous lifts in brand recognition, donations, and web traffic and we are excited to build off this momentum with All IN 2022 and spotlight even more incredibly deserving Canadian organizations.”



2021 was a good start:

Rogers Sports & Media’s 2021 All IN partners were Big Brothers Big Sisters, Blacbiblio, Canadian Women in Sport, Friends of Ruby, and Spirit North.  Magnified across Rogers Sports & Media’s suite of assets, the invaluable work of these partner organizations drove meaningful change in the lives of countless Canadians and communities:

  • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada achieved an increase of 220% in donations and 612% in unique page views

“Through this partnership, we were able to launch a campaign that we would never have been able to get out into the market.  Many, many Canadians put up their hands to donate and also to become a Big Brother or Big Sister.” – Leanne Nicolle, President & CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto.

  • Blacbiblio had a 409% increase in reach with Canadians

“They understood the importance of the message that Blacbiblio had been created to share with the rest of the country and Rogers Sports & Media was a great vehicle to do that.  If you have a story to tell, Rogers Sports & Media is the place for you!” – Dr. Dorothy Williams, President & Founder, Blacbiblio

  • Canadian Women & Sport’s web traffic increased 137% and unique web visitors jumped 276%

“We reached more than 2 million Canadians with our message, which is unprecedented, unheard of in our 40-year history.” – Allison Sandmeyer-Graves, CEO, Canadian Women & Sport 

  • Friends of Ruby experienced an 800% increase in donations

“Friends of Ruby reached out to Rogers Sports & Media and the All IN program in order to increase our brand recognition within our community.  We were also able to grow new donors and new supporters that really helped build the foundation for our Pride campaign.” – Marie-Mireille Kamukuny, Development Officer & Marketing, Friends of Ruby.   

  • Spirit North grew its recognition and awareness with a 32% increase in brand familiarity

“It really allowed us to share our story, share our work, and our impact and in turn generate awareness and support of our organization.” – Beckie Scott, Founder & CEO, Spirit North.


Rogers Sports & Media’s overarching All IN initiative continues to focus on these five pillars:

  • Business: Give a minimum of $5 million in free advertising and creative services to small businesses owned by BIPOC and equity-deserving communities
  • Community: Give a minimum of $5 million in free advertising and creative services to charities that support BIPOC and equity-deserving communities
  • Content: Further increase diversity of thought and ensure editorial content accurately reflects the unique composition of Canadian communities through an internal Content Advisory Council
  • Hiring & Career Advancement Practices: Grow programs and recruitment strategies, in partnership with Rogers, to improve diversity at all levels of the organization
  • Mentorship & Sponsorship: Expand opportunities for young people from equity-deserving communities and equip them with the tools, support, and resources to successfully enter and advance in the sports and media industry

For more information, and to submit your All IN application until February 13, please visit AllInForEquity.ca.

Rogers is the parent company of this station.

Filed under: all-in, diversity, funding, inclusion, Rogers Sports & Media