Two of the best pieces of advice I’ve been given in radio:

1/ It’s great to have goals, but if you’re TOO focused on getting to the “next step” in your career, you’ll miss all of the great things happening in front of you RIGHT NOW. –Curtis Maddams Strange
2/ There will always be jobs for people who “get it,” work hard, and aren’t lazy. –Rob Pepper
This is my friend Lisa Drew. She just retired from the morning show at City News 570 down the hall from us last Friday after working for over 30 years at the radio station. Nowadays this is almost unheard of in media. The highs in this industry are high, and the lows are low. Few veterans with impeccable work ethic and the ability to mentor and elevate others are left, and even fewer get to go out on their own terms.
When I arrived in this building a year and a half ago, Lisa was one of the first people to welcome me and invite me to her hobby farm out in the country. She came around and said good morning to everyone almost every single day, and would leave the entire morning crew fun hats to wear on St Patrick’s Day or pink sunglasses when the Barbie movie opened.
Lisa was a great leader in our building and she has been a great friend to me when I landed here knowing no one. I miss her already, and am also super jealous that she got to go to the Culture Club show Tuesday night because she doesn’t have to get up at 2am anymore. ????
I am better for knowing her as a person and seeing the legacy she leaves for up and coming broadcasters and the future of radio. ????



Filed under: robinsjournal