Great news. I’ve joined a CULT…and it’s AWESOME!!

Just kidding…I joined the K-W Women’s Association back in the spring, and I’m really enjoying eating lunch and getting to know the MOVERS AND SHAKERS of my new community.

Sometimes we have fabulous guest speakers, sometimes we go to fun and interesting places for tours, and other times, we get to share tips from the businesses we work in. I loved hearing everyone share their stories of resiliency, and their thoughts this week about the importance of making personal connections, picking up the phone and TALKING to people even though we live in a texting world, and remembering that at the end of the day, we are all our own “salespeople” regardless of the business we are in. That means talking to customers in the way WE would want to be treated – with kindness and respect. It’s simple, but it’s an important message to remember.

I shared the importance of speaking in a way that makes people WANT to listen to you…and even more importantly, ACTIVELY LISTENING and responding. Always be prepared to throw away your own agenda for the sake of really HEARING someone when they speak. Also, check out this TED talk from Julian Treasure. It has some great advice on why people tune IN, and also why they tune OUT when other people are talking:

These women have huge hearts and make big things happen every day and I’m grateful to be a part of this organization. I’m looking forward to seeing what great things we’ll do in the future!

Special thanks to Sylvie for my super cute CARD!!! AHHHHH! I LOVE IT!!




Filed under: robinsjournal