
The work place kitchen is a bizarre place. The dishes that pile up, the spoiled food left in the fridge, the spilled coffee on every surface. I’ve never understood how the work place kitchen can be so drastically different from our kitchens at home.

I’m one of those guys that tries to leave the work place kitchen how I found it — messy! But what I mean is that I try not to add to the mess. So I’ll wipe up my coffee spills, I never leave food in the fridge, and when I bring a spoon to eat my yogurt, I go back to the kitchen to clean that spoon!

The problem is, since almost the beginning of this year, there has been NO dish soap in our kitchen at the station. I was thinking of taking matters into my own hands when, to my absolute delight, a new bottle of dish soap turned up! Thank heaven for small favours. I may be anal but I’m also pretty darn happy over a bottle of dish soap.

It’s the little things…
